Poem | The metaphor

The metaphor 

They say, I am a worm 

Do they aspire a change?

My journey seems too slow

Do they propel some fuel?

I too have likes in my heart

That no one ever knows 

Those likes kept me dreamt 

That no one even supposes 

I too await a mate on the way 

She is full of colors and bravos 

That enjoys the freedom in the sky

Touching the blueness all around

They call her a butterfly 

She flies all around so gleefully 

Drinking nectar from flowers

Flying with fellow followers 

An intense urge arose within

To fly high in the sky therein 

While I was climbing the trees 

And as I plunged into dreams 

Now, I too need to be a butterfly 

To explore the blue sky as I fly 

Hiding the colors in my wings

Flying around the cloudy rings  

As the mind whispers in my ears

“You have to transform”, I hear

“Then, I have to change my attire”

Says my mind in a sigh of despair 

My mind goes for a deep sleep 

Creeps to the dreamworld deep

I shall transform into a metaphor  

When mind wakes from a slumber 


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