Poem | Maya

Thanks to respected Jeyaram ji for inspiring to translate this blog’s poem written in Malayalam some time back based on “what’s Maya”


What is Maya -

Is it a non-existent reality, or 

Is it a myth that comes true? 

   Is it a beautiful stimuli, or 

   The false response that’s cruel?

What is Maya - 

Is it an invisible emotion, or 

Is it an emotional outburst? 

   The blossoming vigor of a flower, or

   The charm of a well-bloomed flower?

What is Maya -

Is it an immutable guarantee, or 

A virtuously guaranteed excellence? 

   The momentary time turning eternal, or

   The eternally blissful moment itself? 

What is Maya - 

Is it the oath that turns wasteful, or 

Falsehood that goes astray? 

   Is it the fearlessly kind act, or 

   The merciful scare that exists around? 

What is Maya - 

Is it the intense dreaming, or 

Is it the dreamlike mindfulness? 

   Is it the fading memory lane, or 

   Is it the immortal self illusion? 

What is Maya -

Is it the reproach of the wicked, or 

Lyrical outburst of a tormenting passion? 

   Will the myth still tell the truth, or

   Will the truth be hidden as a myth? 

What is Maya —


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