Short Story | M E S S E N G E R


images used are only for indications 

M E S S E N G E R 

Year 2002 : Fall 

Roy walked across the street Rue de Rivoli at the passage Richelieu from the inn where he was staying. He normally takes a longer walking route along the Rue Saint-Honore just to have a warm up before entering to the Louvre museum.  This has been his 5th month since landed in Paris from Delhi. Fall has started in Europe a little early this year. It’s the 1st week of September, but temperature dipped already below 16 this year. Roy didn’t feel anything uncomfortable as he had enough experience from the severe cold weather across the North Indian states. 

What fascinated Roy the most is the lonely walk he did religiously over the weekends, Saturdays and Sundays- Morning and Evening walks along the banks of River Seine. When the fall started, the leaves of hundreds of Honey Locusts as well as Linden trees had started turning to golden lockets. Those beautiful lockets emitted golden twilight during the sunrises and sunsets that made the Seine banks a golden paradise on earth. 

Roy’s exploration of Paris had been a varied experience, ranging from grand vistas of the city attributed to the visitation and ascension of  the astounding monuments that have attained global iconic status to the most modest nooks and tiny staircases. Little houses snugged between late 19th century apartment buildings.  

Roy always loved to make a fresh-minded special entry into the streets of Paris in anticipation of a wandering off into a district accidentally. He would eventually find himself at once very much part of the routine, and at the same time experiencing it as a fresh observer. He would be waiting in line in a patisserie to get those fresh croissants and a baguette and then find looking for a delicious cheese in the neighborhood grocery, so he could keep walking, stopping all along the way in the many small parks that had been established all throughout the cityscape.  

“Bonjour, Mr. Roy... how are you? How was your weekend?” Museum Consultant enquired as usual on Monday morning. Mrs. Lee Harper was a good anthropologist and a linguistic scholar. She had been to India many times for her PhD in Vedic languages. Lee had been a great support for Roy in establishing a warm relationship between Indian Archeological society and French society of International culture. 

“Je vais bein.. merci Lee... it was a refreshing weekend... finally made it to Moulin Rogue on Saturday night. Had a long two hours walk from there all the way to Eiffel Tower!” said Roy in his usual explorative enthusiasm. 

“Oh, wow... that’s more or less full coverage of Paris for you.. believe me... that’s the only way to get into the heart of this city quite easily: walk, walk and walk more !” Lee said with her sweetly toned voice. 

“So, Lee, you know today is my last day in this office. Louvre and colleagues like you had been a real inspiration for me... you guys have rekindled the fire in me for the exploration of historical movements at different times and places. I’m not quite sure when can I spare some time for that journey but am sure, not so distant!” Roy had spark in his eyes while saying this. 

“Oh yes... we will be missing you too, Roy! But it was always on the card. You did what was your job profile wanted and rest of the things are on their way I guess. Louvre have plans for Middle East and India in the coming years so we have made the foundation for it. I am sure, you have a much serious task in front of you in the USA”. Lee was very aspirant in her words. 

“That’s tricky my dear friend...” Roy smiled at Lee. “I’m a notorious introvert... not sure how am I going to survive in States. No contacts, no friends, no clue how the city is going to accept me!” Roy sounded a bit confused. 

“Cool...Roy.. Philadelphia is a nice place to be... you can find a lot of Indians now there... your IT Engineers are flocking to US.. so no worries buddy... just that you need to go out and ask them...” Lee was always positive. 

“Lee, you know I’m pretty bad at making contacts and maintaining them. I just know which hotel I have to stay and I have to report at Museum of Art next Monday morning; that’s all. As winter is around the corner, I’m sure, I am going to get depressed again. Now, I don’t want that to happen... what’s the solution?” Roy was clear and honest in asking Lee, this question. 

“Hmmm... do you chat in msn or yahoo? You can surely find someone out there and get in touch with them through email. Then you can chat with them for sometime, to get a rough idea of what are you looking for...! I do chat with my sister who is at New York every day as the voice calls cost me a fortune..” Lee suggested to Roy. 

“That’s pretty interesting... I have heard about it before but never tested... you know I’m pretty lazy at emails too! I think I have got couple of email id-s of my classmates... probably I can connect with someone! It’s been 7 years since I spoke to anyone of them!” Roy really wanted to locate someone in Pennsylvania! 

“It’s quite simple buddy... you can search whether they still use the same id-s and check they are there in the messenger. If you see them there ... then you can have endless chats ... all the best Roy... you will rock Philadelphia..!” Lee’s inspiration! 

Though Roy did feel the vacuum in his heart while leaving the Louvre office that day evening, he had something to cheer about. He had located his college friend Prashanth at Seattle and he was using the messenger chats. He had replied that he would come for chats the very next day. 


Roy couldn’t sleep that night ... not because he had to travel the next day to New York from Paris... not because he felt sad while leaving the Louvre office... not because of any ailment... but he plunged into his college day memories. He had never tried to fall into the memories of his college days. All those 52 undergraduate students traveled in different directions in their lives. Roy chose to explore his favorite archeological findings and found himself lucky to grab a seat in Delhi University. And ... for an archeological aspirant, which other city would be apt in India?

Roy did know that many of his classmates had proceeded to their glamor careers in the booming Information technology and Computers. Somehow Roy never had been able to long for glamorous careers. As Anamika always called him... “you will become a world famous introvert Roy... Prashanth would second me ...right?” Prashanth would immediately agree and laugh on Roy... who would keep the face down again ... like a loser !

On the last day of the college, Roy told Anamika: “Ana... let me still call you like that ... I may be an introvert... but then I’m born like that .... it’s not my decision to be like that ... is there any justice to laugh at me ?”

Anamika replied with a wit on her lips: “Roy... one day you may realize... the only real reason for my decision to opt Prashanth over you ... could be your introvert mind... you see I can’t bear that situation where I would end up in a relationship with silence... I am in love with sound... noise... wildness... mess... but you are not ...” 

“All the best Ana... Prashanth is and always be one of my most favorite friends ever... look after him well... I’m sure he would love you as wild as you like it ... please don’t call me for your marriage or any other function... adieu!” Anamika looked at the diminishing shape of Roy into the crowd of Hazrat Nisamuddin railway station. He was proceeding to Char-Dham yatra after the final examinations. After that, they ... the three ... who lived for three years together .. never met... 

Finally after 7 years ... Roy got a reply from Prashanthi1973 user id... “hi Roy... it’s a pleasure to see your email after a long gap... hope all fine... at the moment I’m in Seattle ... will reach New York tomorrow.. how are you buddy...”

Roy replied from his id- royana7319: “I’m good buddy.. I’m in Paris now... traveling to New York tomorrow... will be there for couple of days before traveling to Philadelphia by train.. let me know when can we chat in messenger”!

“Hey buddy... we are separated by 6 hours now... so I can come at your 2 afternoon that’s my 8 am ... will catch you as soon as I’m in the office tomorrow... see you later... take rest” Prashanth’s reply.

Many memories ignited Roy’s brain.... the sparks and heat started emitting from his head slowly which halted his sleep the whole night. It was an ardent urge that kept him sleepless... a strange curiosity kept him restless all the time... never happened like this for all these 7 years... he was totally away from all those thoughts... but now ... “am I going to meet with my buddies”? He realized it was the urge for the expected unexpectedness of life!

Roy fell into a shallow stream of sleep in the very early hours of the next day and was having a series of unclear dreams. His cell phone alarm sounded at 8 am. Though he was weak due to less sleep, he got up so that the packing was done without much haste. After the bath and English breakfast, he sat in front of the laptop, like a small school boy, who eagerly waited for the class to start! Somehow, Roy felt an amazingly strange zeal and cold wave in his whole body. He startled in his own response to a new situation.. reuniting to his dearest friend... with whom his most favorite part of life... Anamika lived as the partner... 


royana7319: Hi there..

prashanthi1973: Hi buddy... I'm extremely sorry... am late... had a meeting as soon as reached office... now free next one hour... i am all yours.... 😊

royana7319: Hey Prashanth... no worries my friend... you know, I am using the messenger for the first time, so please regret for my slowness.. I am not that fast in typing.. I still use my two fingers ... 👆👇

prashanthi1973: lol.. i remember anamika laughing at you seeing your struggle with your two middle fingers ..rofl..😉

royana7319: lol and rofl are new to me Prashanth... can you educate me a bit...!

prashanthi1973: c'mon roy... you are still that old fussy guy... we are in the IT era... post modern ..😎

royana7319: true buddy.. I was thinking about this the whole night... could not sleep well actually... I am currently .. sort of outdated ... probably due to the archeological background... have become a show piece for the museum..

prashanthi1973: oh that reminds me .. yes we haven't met since 1994 winter in Delhi right? I knew that you joined DU in anthropology... so how was your journey then?

royana7319: Oh yes... you know I am a history man... it was a sheer luck that I cracked into the corridors of Delhi University and two years passed very quickly... I had trips to Africa, Egypt to be precise... and did my PhD on "pre-historic and proto-historic human past in India, Europe and Africa". It helped me to get into Archeological Society and they took me to the International affairs committee. That paved way to go to Louvre for their ambitious projects in Middle East and India. 

prashanthi1973: that sounds a real ROYal way of proceedings.. 💗 myself and Anamika were always mutually agreeing to your aspirations totally in line with your character... no wonder you could grow in your favorite field buddy..💪 

royana7319: Hey thanks da.. yeah... you know... I don't know how to express it now... but as I look back, it was utterly foolish on my part to slip into a sort of depressive situation on Ana's response... you know what I mean... and somehow I couldn't accept the fact that she loved YOU over me... that's stupid and unreal from my side... possibly the height of ego? I still carry the "ROY-ANA" effect in my user-id you see ...?!

prashanthi1973: i can understand roy... anamika told this to me many times and in fact she also felt a bit concerned with the way she responded to you on that day... as she thought about at a later stage...say after our marriage or perhaps our son was born... she kind of felt sad sometimes...? but then you know... you already had detached from us in all respects... even we tried once to get hold of you through our graduate alumni group but you had completely shut the doors for everyone.. 😞

royana7319: yes da.. i conveniently slipped into a shell of my own and made sure I am not traced by anyone.. good to know that you both are happily married and have a son... how old is the boy?

prashanthi1973: ha ha ... i like that "happily married phrase" 😈.. Anamika was a girl who wanted lot of noise around... and you know i am a hopeless cricket who makes noise on everything. our son Raghu is now 3 years .. just started pre-kg. his name was put by Anamika ... possibly she wanted a sound of Roy in that... 😃

royana7319: Oh my God.. don't tell me ... I don't think she has come down to that level where she has to feel any sympathy on me by this far... leave the subject... (you can call it as my old escape route..!)... tell me something about your career path till now..

prashanthi1973: hey roy... yes you are that same old crocodile... sleep in the water with mouth wide open for the prey to fall inside... well, we both relocated to Bangalore for PGDCA.. and didn't find any issue in finding decent jobs in decent firms. we also got into the ocean of IT professionals and reached USA in 2000 after the much celebrated Y2K problem ...ha ha 😅 

royana7319: Good to know that, Prashanth. I know I have missed a lot to be updated in terms of IT development that happened in front of me and around... I was sort of giving a blind look on to it.. except for my thesis and reports, i never used my computer even.. i was rather happier with my lens and knife at archeological sites than web sites ... you may find it funny... but that's the truth...

prashanthi1973: wow... that's the joke of the century roy... archeological sites vs. web sites... 😆this is what me and anamika liked in you from the start you remember? your quick wits from no where... you still keep that spirit... i am glad to know that.. ok... so what is your plan? what is your assignment in philadelphia? 

royana7319: ok... as of now my Louvre assignment is over, I have a six months interactive session with Museum of Art in Philadelphia. So I am reaching tomorrow at New York... 10th of September. possibly I shall return to India after the snowfall. you are already there in New York... so when can we catch up? where do we meet?

prashanthi1973: let us meet day after tomorrow? local time 8 am at the garden bench of the National Museum of the American Indian... the venue itself will elevate you to your aspirations.. we can talk a lot... be a little attentive, possibly there will be unusual security checking... no worries ..George Gustav Heye Center is known to every New Yorker. so it won't be tough for you to spot the place. you remember we had a grey woolen jacket and brown hat for the college fashion parade? I shall wear that... so it would be easy for you to spot me if there is a crowd...😍

royana7319: that's hilarious prashanth... you still fit into that attire? oh my god... what do you do to maintain the figure? I have gained 15 kgs...

prashanthi1973: ha ha... that's the secret... you come down ... you will come to know... 

royana7319: ok da... now last question... will you take Ana with you while we meet? somehow I am very nervous to meet her ... i know it is foolish to think that way... but you know ..i am a world famous introvert... i may get a heart attack when i see her... my heart is very weak... hope you can understand...

prashanthi1973: i can understand buddy... i will tell her not to come this time ... no worries ... i will not bring her... perhaps we can all meet up in Philadelphia sometime after... may be Christmas? what say?

royana7319: that is perfect da... i am so sorry for that ... but you know that's me ... still the same anxious creature... so you must be getting ready for the next meeting.. carry on... i wonder how did i chat with you for almost an hour!! that's not me... any case... it was wonderful.. hope to see you soon on day after tomorrow.. bye prashanth... regards to Ana...

prashanthi1973: no worries buddy... this too will pass... have a great time and safe journey.. you may face extra security checking in the airport also... because you are reaching on September 10th.👍

royana7319: noted da... you too take care.. 👍


September 11, 2002

"National Museum of the American Indian... I have to go there..." Roy told to the cab driver.

"That must be closed today... you know its the first anniversary of the attack... " cab driver told as a reminder.

"That's ok... someone is waiting for me on the park bench.. thanks.." Roy replied.

"No problem..." cab driver acknowledged in his New York accent.

Roy started walking towards the entrance steps of the Museum after getting down from the cab. He had noticed unusual police and security check posts everywhere right from the airport to the hotel. As cab driver mentioned, he noticed that the major venues are heavily secured with many number of uniformed men and women. He spotted a bench on the side of the avenue where there was someone sitting.. he started walking towards the bench. 

Roy started feeling the anxiety as he approached the bench. He could start seeing the grey woolen jacket and a brown hat worn by that person. The person was sitting as if looking at the woods away from the Museum so he could not see the face. His heart started pumping ten folds. Roy stood near the bench and tried calling "Prashanth..." but his voice didn't come out as if his throat was fully choked. 

He turned to the person once again and looked at the back of the head. He started shivering in absolute disbelief. Is it a man or a woman? Did I come to the wrong person? Roy immediately turned back and started walking away to the avenue. But a call from the bench stopped his legs in astonishment. "Roy... don't go back.. I am waiting here for you..!"

"Oh my God... I recognize this voice... a voice which cannot be forgotten till my death! What is happening... where is Prashanth? Is he playing around as always? He was always mischievous... he is still playing his cards!" A lightning flow started from Roy's brain and passed though his spine to the legs... he could not move... he once again turned to the bench and now clearly saw a woman sitting with grey woolen jacket and brown hat! 

"Roy... Prashanth will not come... so I came to meet you... sorry he could not inform you ... now come and sit on the bench next to me ... no formalities ... ha ha ..." the woman told wittingly.

"God... its Ana..." Roy turned quickly and stood in front of her... gazing straight in to her eyes...

"Yes Roy...its me... Anamika... your Ana..." she replied with a smirk on her face. "You first sit on the bench please...! then we can talk"

Roy was moving like a machine.. he could not come in terms with what was happening around.. he sat on the bench slowly and looked at Ana's face... she looked the same as she was seven years ago. Roy was burning in the heat of disbelief.. "Look, I talked to Prashanth the day before yesterday when I was in Paris. He told me that he wouldn't tell you about it... but it seems a bit confusing now!" 

"Roy.. it was not Prashanth who talked to you... it was me... He is not going to see you any case..!" Ana's eyes were locked in the falling leaves in the garden. 

"Ana... can you please clarify... I would fall down here with a heart break..." Roy could not tolerate the pain anymore.

"Roy... Prashanth disappeared from this earth exactly one year back... he was in the North Tower of W-T-C from 8 in the morning. He called me before getting into a meeting at the 90th floor." Ana was breathing heavily.

"Ana... you see... you guys have always ridiculed me... and I always fought on it. Now I am fighting with you again ... can you say... this is a joke...?" Roy was on the verge of crying. 

"Roy... we still don't know how he died.. it could be with the fire ball of the plane's gasoline which hit the floors 93 to 99.. or he would have choked with the smoke.. he would have crushed in the steel... or... was he one of the people who jumped off the tower? We still don't know!" Ana's words were breaking.

“Ana... it’s unbelievable for me what you are talking right now.. you didn’t even hint this while the chat was on...” Roy was becoming more clueless. 

“Roy... we were using Prashanth’s user-id for our chats with parents and our families. I continue to use that same profile still... I sometimes dream that at a moment... Prashanth will start chatting with his profile from somewhere... I always anticipate something special would happen one day... it was quite surprising for me when I saw your message that day... now, it’s almost the same time last year he departed us ... the first flight hit at 8:46 am to the North tower! It’s almost unbelievable to realize that one year has passed after we lost Prashanth...” couple of teardrops fell out of Ana’s eyes. 

“How is your son...where is he?”... Roy was regaining his consciousness slowly. 

“I sent Raghu to Kerala with my parents. They gave me the much needed support when I really felt loneliness after Prashanth departed. I have six more months of assignment in Seattle office. I’m also planning to relocate... mostly it would be Bangalore or Hyderabad....” a thick blanket of cold and black silence spread between them for couple of minutes. “Let us leave now Roy... how was my surprise?” Ana asked Roy with her hearty smile.

Roy didn’t have any reply to Ana.. he was in deep thoughts as usual. “Roy... you will have a similar landscape and  neighborhoods in Philadelphia as Paris. You can find same Honey Locusts and Linden trees as you see along the River Seine. Finally one question to you Roy...” Ana looked at him. 

Roy turned the face to Ana.. raising both his eyebrows... wondering what’s coming now! 

“Why didn’t you marry still __ ?”

Roy paused his walk for some moments... then replied: “I’m still an introvert..."!

Ana laughed at once hearing Roy’s reply... her voice echoed in the woods of the golden garden!


  1. Nice read Manuji... enjoyed it.. the vivid description of Paris and the twist in the plotline. Waiting to read more...

  2. Nice read Manuji... enjoyed it.. the vivid description of Paris and the twist in the plotline. Waiting to read more...

  3. When is the second part coming... Hahaha... Good read Sir..


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