Symbolism 2 | Knowledge, Wisdom & Enlightenment

Symbolism > Chapter 2 


Vijnanam & Prajnanam

I happened to see this cartoon image by cartoonist, Paul Kinsella. It can be interpreted in many ways as per individual’s psychological or spiritual vibes. I take it on to the evolution of humanity from the ancient civilizations and transforming into an enlightened soul with the help of three levels of knowledge- 

1. Jnanam- information from the books and teachings 

2. Vijnanam- awareness from the life experiences 

3. Prajnanam- enlightenment from the continuous processing of the stored wisdom obtained from information and awareness.

If one sees the evolution of religious concepts and beliefs through the last 7000 or so years, one can see that gradual change. If we take Hinduism and other ancient similar ways of life, people wanted various symbols to understand anything and everything. So the so called Godly concepts also were explained by means of numerous symbols and shapes.  

Religious symbolism and iconography, respectively, the basic and often complex artistic forms and gestures used as a kind of key to convey religious concepts and the visual, auditory, and kinetic representations of religious ideas and events. Symbolism and iconography have been utilized by all the religions of the world.

Systems of symbols and pictures that are constituted in a certain ordered and determined relationship to the form, content, and intention of presentation are believed to be among the most important means of knowing and expressing religious facts. Such systems also contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of the relationships between human beings and the realm of the sacred or holy (the transcendent, spiritual dimension). The symbol is, in effect, the mediator, presence, and real (or intelligible) representation of the holy in certain conventional and standardized forms.

When Buddhism came into extensive popularity, they also used but lesser number of symbols and belief systems for God. Sri Buddha Himself was against using His own stature or “Mudras” for religious awareness but His followers used it extensively especially by the “Mahayana” faction. 

Time as a transparent symbol of the sacred may be represented by means of the cycle of the sacred year and its high points—e.g., New Year’s (as in ancient Near Eastern religions), the times of sowing and reaping, and the solstices and equinoxes. Or the lapse of time may be represented in signs and pictures. Cosmic, mythical, and liturgical time and destiny are portrayed, for example, in the Buddhist symbol of the wheel of life, bhavachakra, with its causal chain of human deeds and succession of existences, entwined by the claws of a devouring monster.

When Christianity started influencing the masses they also used some symbols and icons which were necessary to carry the divinity into the next stage and thereby influence more people. But compared to the ancient days, usage of symbols was too less. 

When Islam started its rise they almost used none of the symbols in the process. In fact there was a prohibition of using symbols in Islam compared to the “cross” and “resurrection” concepts in Christianity. But Islam also started using symbols or concepts like Quran and Ka’aba for religious understanding. 

Going back the initial thought, it’s a great journey of Jnanam, then Vijnanam and then onto Prajnanam that the humanity has gone through in a big picture. This journey is on, in everyone’s lifecycle according the knowledge or wisdom or enlightenment one attains. 

Jnanamfrequently used definition of knowledge is "the ideas or understandings which an entity possesses that are used to take effective action to achieve the entity's goal(s). This knowledge is specific to the entity which created it."  

An understanding of knowledge requires some grasp of its relationship to information. In everyday language, it has long been the practice to distinguish between information — data arranged in meaningful patterns — and knowledge — which has historically been regarded as something that is believed, that is true (for pragmatic knowledge, that works) and that is reliable. 

VijnanamWisdom, sapience, or sagacity is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.

When it comes to acquiring spiritual wisdom, the truth is what while many of us may desire it there are probably few who know what it really is. Wisdom is not the same thing as knowledge. As a matter of fact, you can very easily be acquainted with facts, truths or principles, but if you don’t apply this information to your life, you are actually the opposite of wise. Wisdom, especially spiritual wisdom, is not just about knowing what’s good for you, but applying that knowledge into your everyday life. When you do that, this is when you know that you are truly wise.

PrajnanamPrajnanam iti Brahman - wisdom is the soul/spirit. Prajnanam refers to the intuitive truth which can be verified/tested by reason. It is a higher function of the intellect that ascertains the Sat or Truth in the Sat-Chit-Ananda or truth-consciousness-bliss, i.e. the Brahman/Atman/Self/person. A truly wise person is known as Prajna - who has attained Brahman-hood itself; thus, testifying to the Vedic Maha Vakya (great saying or words of wisdom): Prajnanam iti Brahman.

To be an enlightened person is to know what is real and to live rightly, for these are not two separate things but one and the same.

Self realization or self enlightenment is a symbolic term denoting the intuitional illumination that the mystic realizes in his encounter with the Divine Unknown (the Brahman). Such experience is attainable by those who earnestly immerse themselves in the life of prayer and is essential to interpreting sacred Scriptures.

It has also got three levels: 

(this can be taken in a separate chapter)

1. Sthoolam (bodily state)

2. Sookshma thalam (mind and self layer)

3. Sookshma thamam (soul and spirit layer)

When we reach the third stage or layer, we meet the soul and spirit or we get enlightened or we get Prajnanam where we know it’s just the Universe (Prapancham) that’s the eternal truth, rest everything is cyclical and circuitous. 

*Aum Ganeshaya Nama:*





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